Originally Posted by alpinecrick
Originally Posted by djs

I totally agree with you here, but the bad/kooky ones cause untold damage to others and the good/sane ones are left with the fallout.

Short of banning firearm ownership and becoming a Soviet style police state, there will always be firearms, and there will always be kooks.

And the disgruntled/kooks still choose places where firearms in the hands of good Americans are unlikely......whether it be a school, university, an intentionally disarmed military building, liberal political event, or commercial airliner.

Let some kook try this at some of the Tea Party events I attended here in Colorado this summer........where 10% of the attendees were openly packing.......felt pretty safe from any assasins or kooks.....


Regardless of how many are packing, the initiative will always go to the one (in this case, the nut job) who draws and shoots first. 30 years ago, I had a neighbor who a Secret Service agent and he once told me that even with the extensive training they go through, he believed that a committed gunman with minimal training could get off 7-8 shots before they could effectively respond.

This was before the John Hinckley/Ronald Regan incident. Hinckley used a cheap revolver and was not very practiced and yet he got off 5-6 shots and hit the President, Brady and a Secret Service Agent before he was subdued.

Also recall the 1998 US Capital shooting in which 2 Capitol Police Officers were killed before the shooter could be shot. He also missed with several bullets. My wife was in the Capital Credit Union when one bullet struck a door frame that she had just walked through.

Armed Tea Party Rally or not, innocent folks get hurt and we feel the consequences.