Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

Damn, this sure brought out the loonies.

This, and other events of the nature, are more damaging to the right of lawful citizens to bear arms than all the rantings of the myriad anti-gun cabals. Let us hope he is not an NRA member with a CCW.

What we have here is a perfect storm: a white rightwing nutcase attacks a liberal Congresswoman using a handgun with a high cap magazine in gun friendly Arizona. This is what the Antis live for. Stand back and brace for recoil.

Best thing we can do is to loudly condemn the shooter as a deranged rightwing nutcase, another Timothy MacVeigh.

This is not going to be pretty.

First of all Skippy, get your "facts" straight.

WHAT actual information do you possess that lead you to believe the shooter was "right wing" ???

His Youtube videos showed an AMERICAN FLAG being burned.

He was REJECTED for service by the US Army (never served)

DOES THAT sound like a "right wing" nutcase?

It sounds to ME like some socialist [bleep] from Marin county or Berkley!

Maybe you should get a job as a reporter for CNN- you certainly bring a left wing slant to your 'facts".

To all gunmaker critics-
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.."- Teddy Roosevelt