Originally Posted by isaac
Part of your problem is you think more than a few give a schit about your disenfranchised,whiney-assed opinions!! Have you ever once commented on anything which would have manifested some sort of optimism or an acknowledgement of light at the end of the tunnel? Your posts reek of the commiseration of misery.

I'll follow the "herd",as you like to call it, of normal,hard working men who follow the rules and are motivationally driven over lightweights who incessantly complain over the internet of all things bad, while content in just getting by and doing nothing further to improve their situations and attitude, any day of the week,sport. I'm weird that way!

Were I you, I'd discount that opinion, as well.

You need to follow the Campfire herd and start a thread by calling somebody out......you'll feel better then......

Oh, and you forgot to call me "bitter"........



Not being married to any particular political party sure makes it a lot easier to look at the world more objectively...
Having said that, MAGA.