Hate to dig up this toxic thread but...

Barak, ya asked my opinion.

You're the guy who has a hard time with the finer, non-literal nuances of normal human communication, like how it is difficult for you to percieve sarcasm, so I'll cut you some slack. Perhaps you have no idea how you appear over the 'net.

Your assertion that all government figures are corrupt and worse than armed robber and perhaps even rapists is absurd. I know that in your perfect world people live in small, self-governing communities wherein they can set their own norms of acceptable behavior and rules, and if they dont like it, can find another one.

Your belief is that innate human goodness or Christian values whatever would prevent people from committing abuses upon others or upon their own children (to use that particularly egregious example), but if there was a community that WANTED to abuse their kids, they could go for it. Your assertion being IIRC that such communities would die a natural death resulting from their own behavior, whatever it might be.

A nicely idealized world perhaps. Except that innumerable examples past and present, show that left unchecked, all sorts of perversions and violence can become the norm and yet those communities persist indefinitely. Indeed, those who live in such setting generally lead short and violence-filled lives relative to what we have in Western societies, with far less freedoms.

In short, experience has shown that a rule of law, as imposed by a government, is a necessary adjunct. No government is perfect, ours ain't bad, especially considering the alternatives.

All well and good, difference of opinion among ourselves, though numerous obvious examples would back my argument.

Where it becomes more than just a difference of opinion is your lunatic assertion that anyone in government is necessarily corrupt and fundamentally evil. IN this Tuscon case most of us see a tragedy involving an insane person inflicting horrible losses on decent people, you see a young man carrying out an act of public good.

Even more lunatic, you go on to aver that the children of politicians are themselves deficient, by genetics one presumes.

'Oh the shooter ain't a hero' you say 'because he also shot the general public, and a kid'. Leaving us with the implication that if he had just murdered or maimed the politician and the judge, then his act would have been virtuous in your eyes.

I think you would have made a very fervent Islamic radical, the logic and assumptions being very similar.

If stupidity is a function of context and likely cost/benefits in a given setting, then indeed your posting what you did on a public forum was stupid.


"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744