Originally Posted by djs

I totally agree with you here, but the bad/kooky ones cause untold damage to others and the good/sane ones are left with the fallout.

Short of banning firearm ownership and becoming a Soviet style police state, there will always be firearms, and there will always be kooks.

And the disgruntled/kooks still choose places where firearms in the hands of good Americans are unlikely......whether it be a school, university, an intentionally disarmed military building, liberal political event, or commercial airliner.

Let some kook try this at some of the Tea Party events I attended here in Colorado this summer........where 10% of the attendees were openly packing.......felt pretty safe from any assasins or kooks.....



Not being married to any particular political party sure makes it a lot easier to look at the world more objectively...
Having said that, MAGA.