Originally Posted by Enrique

You really are stupid! Every single person that was shot or killed was an innocent! How can you say that a politician and a judge are not innocent? Have you not read every scripture myself and others have posted? Apparrently you pick and choose the parts of the bible that you want to follow and ignore the rest.
It's people like you that give religion, God, Jesus and the bible a bad name!

When it comes to you punk not so bad and ok is the same thing. You refuse to understand everyone was innocent. Apparently in your limited brain capacity don't fully understand the situation, the bible, or this world. You are a punk that is no better than the killer for in your own way trying to justify and support this azzhole because he whacked a judge and almost whacked a congress member.
You sir are no christian or God fearing.

God forgive me for being agry and arguing, but you need an awakening barak. You need a better understanding. Maybe some omega 3 or ginko will help!
You've studied the New Testament and what you took away was that everyone is innocent??? You'll have to excuse me for being utterly amazed at this.