Originally Posted by Enrique
One thing that can be pointed out is this:
People want what they can't have. When Clinton in the 90's issued his ban on certain weapons the value and want for those guns went up. Extended mags were sought. After the ban everyone that wanted one got one. Companies that seen how they could capitalize on it did. A handgun with a 33 round mag is not needed. At least I don't. If I can't defend myself and end a threat with a few shots, I doubt I am gonna have enough time to unload 33 rounds down the range.
It is my belief that extended mags, more people with military style weapons and the likes are all the effect of gun control and the fault of Clinton.
Look at Mexico, people can't have guns their without a permit. very few own guns because of the cost and fees. That leaves the population at the mercy of law enforcement/government and criminals. Proof that gun control does not work.

Some great points.