Originally Posted by Ken Howell
Being a politician is an unforgivable sin, punishable by immediate death, at anyone's hands, with no necessity for a trial, accusation, or warning. No due process, just a do act.

I think this goes to the heart of the matter. People here will disagree about the relative "value" of the victims' lives and whether politicians deserve the punishment they get. But at the end of the day, this guy was some punk loser, who lived in his mother's basement, who couldn't hold a job, spending his day smoking weed, and he went out and committed a vicious crime. He is not judge, jury and executioner. And in the process, he put another scar on the fortitude of the 2nd amendment. And if this had been Reid, Pelosi, or Obama, yes, I would FEEL differently. But the act would have been just as wrong.

"Hey jackass, get your government off my freedom."