What I find incredulous is that a Congresswoman would hold a Town Hall meeting in an open air parking lot. True, she should have been able to hold a meeting anywhere she desired and remained safe, but that just isn't the reality in this day of terrorism. We have seen that terror attacks are just as likely to involve mentally ill individuals, such as today's events, or those at Virginia Tech, Fort Hood, or an Omaha high school, as they are radical Islamic terrorists.

I am shocked by the carnage and completely at a loss to understand why the good Congresswoman chose her venue without regard to security. Such meetings are safer when held in meeting halls with controlled entrances where attendees can be screened for weapons. I appreciate that Congresswoman Giffords desired to be close to her constituents, a desire that embodies the highest principles of public service, yet I hope that all future meetings will pay proper diligence to security. No one should suffer murder or mayhem for the sake of public discourse, such heinous crimes go against everything our country was established to eliminate in society.

I pray that Congresswoman Giffords recovers fully without any deficit and is able to return to her duties as soon as possible. I also pray that Almighty God provides comfort and solace to the families of those who perished, and places His healing spirit upon those who are wounded in body and soul.

These are trying times. A time when a prayer for wisdom and divine guidance is our best defense against the powers arrayed against our nation.