Originally Posted by crosshair
Barak is an anarchist.


He has this fantasy that the total lack of government is utopia.

No. Kind of by definition. Have you read Utopia? That's kind of like saying, "The darkest possible shade of black is white."

I do believe that a free society would be better than the one we have now. That's all.

He will not acknowledge history and that fact that someone will be in power, even if that is a feudal lord. It would not be all peace and love.

On the contrary, I do acknowledge history. I may have found some bits and pieces of it that are generally withheld from most people during their compulsory government confinement schooling.

However, that's not my main issue: it's secondary, perhaps even tertiary. If you could prove to me beyond the shadow of a doubt that a free society could never be anything but an unmitigated disaster, I'd still be an anarchist, because I'm much more a moralist than I am a utilitarian. (Libertarians tend to that.) I think government as we know it today is morally reprehensible at its very foundations, and that it cannot be reformed into anything that isn't reprehensible and can still be called government. Therefore, I'm agin' it. Period.

"But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain--that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist." --Lysander Spooner, 1867