Originally Posted by Ken Howell
Originally Posted by Cossatotjoe_redux
This is terrible but I'll say this, when our politicians repeatedly show themselves to not only be unresponsive but downright hostile to the will of the people, this is the kind of thing that will happen. There are lots and lots of crazy people out there and politics will make them even crazier.

Attributing evil motivation to all "them" of the other persuasion, and only then "assessing" their involvement, automatically and always leads to easy conclusions and assumptions of "their" involvement and culpability in nefarious acts. Consigning evil before-hand inevitably leads to condemnation. Consigning innocence before-hand inevitably leads to exoneration.

It's true what you say. I think it fits right in with the point Cossatotjoe_redux was making, though. Partisanship is a normal everyday human reflex, whether it makes sense or not. Once it gets pushed to the point of violence, every member of a targeted group is at risk, regardless of his individual specifics, simply because he's a member of the group.

I suspect there are some partisan Democrats who think this was a Tea Party job who are making calls and changing plans right this minute because of it, in fact.

"But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain--that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist." --Lysander Spooner, 1867