Originally Posted by Penguin
The hell he didn't. That's what this thread is all about: rationalizing evil.

He is trying to come up with a valid reason as to 'why' this unstable lunatic was justified in shooting one of OUR elected representatives. Notice the supposed crimes she is guilty of in his mind? Stealing, extortion, unjustified use of force to access tax money.

No, in the minds of Barak and more than a few other anarchists this evil is not evil at all. And if they cannot change course then they become the enemy of self governance. Then they become MY enemy.



The fact is that the mental instability and delusional reality of someone caused yesterday; it caused Reagan's shooting; it caused the unabomber; it caused the Holocaust; it caused the triggering of WWI; it caused a myriad similar incidents throughout history.

Mental instability and delusional realities can become VERY dangerous.

The questions that now stand before us as a society (and on smaller scales) again are: when do we identify them as exactly that, and what do we do about them once identified?

I don't believe that we have to look very far to find some examples that we really should examine more closely with exactly those questions in mind, taking off the blinders, and truly looking at them.