An interesting update from ABP,

Exploiting a Tragedy
The Left Will Stop at Nothing
Glenn Spencer -- American Patrol Report -- January 9
"There is no direct connection, but a strong suspicion that the shooter was influenced by American Renaissance." WATCH
Gabrielle Giffords Shooting - Lessons Learned
"It was horrible to see fellow human beings gunned down by a deranged killer" -- Dr. Steve Rayle - a physician who came to aid of shooting victims.
As the story of the Tucson shootings unfolds, it is becoming clear that Jared Loughner was a mental case. He dropped out of high school. He was enrolled in a community college but was kicked out for violating a code of contact five times. The college said he couldn't come back until he got mental help to prove he wasn't a threat to others or himself. (See Fox News). His ramblings on the Internet make no sense and point to no single issue, including race, as the primary cause for his outrageous madness.
Yet, many on the left are trying to use this terrible event as a lever to advance a political agenda. Speaking of Arizona, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik said: "We have become the capital, the mecca for prejudice and bigotry."
As I stood at the candlelight vigil outside Gabrielle Giffords' office last evening, a woman standing next to me, who identified herself as a lawyer, said: "Hate speech is not protected by the First Amendment." Where is the evidence that hate speech led to this attack?
Now we hear that the Department of Homeland Security is attempting to link Loughner to American Renaissance and anti-immigration sentiments. This reminds me of the attack on Americans following a meeting I sponsored in Sierra Vista ten years ago.
There is no doubt that Morris Dees and his many followers in the DHS are moving quickly to exploit the Arizona shooting as a means of silencing anyone who speaks out against illegal immigration. (See Fox News)
I told the small crowd gathered at Giffords' office last evening: "There are lessons to be learned from this terrible incident - let's make sure we learn the right ones." One lesson we have learned is that the left is attempting to link Americans who speak out against illegal immigration to this horrific act: once again proving that they would never pass up on an opportunity to demonize their opponents. But we already knew that.

Update: 08:35 Pacific Time -- Fox News reports having spoken with Jared Taylor of American Renaissance who said his organization has had absolutely no connection with Loughner. He said DHS's description of his organization was "scurrilous."

Member, Clan of the Border Rats
-- “Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.”- Mark Twain