Being a politician does not make you more important than a bystander. Being a bystander does not make you more important than a politician. A human life is a human life. one is not more justifiable then the other. For you(Barak) to hint that one is more justafiable then the other is sad. Read the word and understand it. Jesus would not have acted in this manner or would want you to act in this manner.
Maybe we are all taking your words out of context, maybe you need to correct them. However you seem to be sticking to your guns so I doubt we have taken your words out of context.
It is sickening to see you right those words. Sure Gabby was a politician, sure she knew the risk, sure we all know she isn't perfect, but she is still a daughter, a mother and most of all one of God's creation. She was a victim of a crime. Regardless of what she is or has done,she didn't deserve to be shot, judge Roll didn't deserve to be killed. The public and others involved didn't deserve this. The little girl that still had her whole life in front of her didn't deserve this. None is more important than the other. They are equally important. It is sad to see you say that someone deserved this. No one did!

I've never had an issue with you, but I do have an issue with how you are coming off in this thread. You are wrong and in a sense just as bad as the dirt bag that committed this crime because you are justifying part of his actions.


Enrique O. Ramirez

" is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see.." Hebrews 11:1