Can you imagine what Barak is doing to the inmates he visits? he is like a Jehova Witness, only preaches what he knows and avoids scriptures other present to him as proof that his thinking is flawed.
Many scriptures pertaining to government and taxes and other matters have been posted and he refuses to acknowledge them.

I am not perfect, I have many flaws, but I do believe in the bible and forgiveness. I do my best to live by it and try to understand it.

This thread went downhill for me when Barak mentioned it wasn't so bad for a member of congress to be shot and a judge killed because they commit extortion on all tax payers that don't agree with them. That is my issue and my reasoning for bickering. Everyone is Human and one of the 10 commandments says tho shall not murder. Yet its ok for some to be murdered according to Barak.
That is my issue and that is when it went south for me.


Enrique O. Ramirez

" is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see.." Hebrews 11:1