Originally Posted by CanadianLefty
We need to show more empathy for the children. They are the future. It's sad all around.

Like the empathy you mentally sick Lefty Commie school teachers show when you rape students.

Like the empathy you mentally sick Lefty Commies show when you rob a child of their childhood by adopting one, thereby denying them the right to grow up in a stable mental environment a male and female father and mother provides, instead of the mentally sick atmosphere an unstable mentally sick same sex couple brings in their attempt to brainwash society they are stable and are capable of raising a child correctly at the expense of the child?

Just because a mentally sick dyke lesbo with a PhD in psychology told the world decades ago that you are normal, does not mean you are normal given the fact for decades psychologists rightfully diagnosed same sex couples to be mentally sick, and their high rates of drug use, physical confrontations in their relationships, high percentage of relationships dissolving proves it.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)