Originally Posted by ElkSlayer91
Originally Posted by fburgtx
Having a visible gun on your person, at the time he showed up (in fear of violence) might of been one thing. Going back in house to RETRIEVE a gun, in a situation where YOU and ex-girlfriend already made a decision to leave the physical protection of the home (was he a deadly threat if you walked out in the yard with him, unarmed?), when all Dad has done is scream about going to court (he didn’t threaten to beat up ex)??? THAT is where boyfriend “took it a step further” (escalation).

More evidence you are violating a citizen's RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS you closet commie.

Show Texas statute stating specifically the actual act of acquiring a gun is escalating.

“ (2) did not provoke the person against whom the force was used;  and”

Bringing a gun (not there previously) into a VERBAL altercation, in which the “victim” was not engaged in anything that merits “deadly force” (arson, burglary, sexual assault, etc, etc), would be considered “provoke” (read: escalation). Boyfriend LEFT the argument, then took it a step further, by bringing the gun outside.

The “right to keep and bear arms” doesn’t currently extend to “loudmouth trespassers”.......