Originally Posted by chlinstructor
tell us exactly whereabouts in TX you supposedly hail from, Boy. You wouldn’t last a day here in N TX, if you actually talked like that out in public. Prove us wrong.

You're 5 ft 9 inch, and use to weigh 240 pounds. That's roughly 90 LBS. overweight. That's OBESITY. You're still 200 LBS, a FAT AZZ.

You could barely walk here awhile back from GOUT, a FAT MAN disease.

You suck down your sodee pops, and munch your fast food, just like all lazy azz commie democrats, fat azz mouthy biatches.

You can't even bend over to pull your boots on without your gut in the way, and you want to moucho talk about I wouldn't last a day in N. TX.

Go sell another of your rifles in the classifieds, so you can be sure you can keep your lights on.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)