Originally Posted by fburgtx
“You have to prove the act of brandishing a firearm meets the element of Provocation.”

“Felony crimes committed: Burglary, Assault, Assault w/ deadly weapon, Murder Threat, Robbery.”

Oh, you mean “crimes committed” AFTER Carruth Spent 30 seconds going inside and getting a gun to bring to a trespassing and verbal altercation??? Ummm.... “provocation”


Not in Texas. I just specifically explained and proved in detail 22.05 does not apply.
You keep trying to insist provocation happened when there is "no" law stating bringing a gun to an argument meets the element of provocation.

Hadn't read the article yet, but doesn't matter, because there is no law. I've already specifically shot down the law that could've possibly applied, but I proved the elements were not met.

I'll give you a little crumb...the very second Read "stepped" onto the porch he no longer had a defense, none, nada.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)