Originally Posted by fburgtx
“KEY POINT: Where is it stated in your posting of the LAW that a person has no RIGHT to obtain the tools to use Deadly Force if needed?”

When obtaining such item (tools)for an offense that doesn’t warrant “deadly force”, per law (simple trespass). ESCALATION....

I DON’T have a right to show off a weapon, in my own car, at someone, just because they cut me off. I can HAVE the weapon, but once I go showing it in a threatening manner (pointing it or firing warning shots) I have ESCALATED the situation...

Ok, so you're going with the position he has no RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS........like all commies.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)