Here's a lesson for you armchair legal scholars, why do you think Read did not "finish the job" when he had control of the gun?

Why did he just swing Carruth(shooter) away WITH THE GUN?

Why didn't he finish the fight to gain control of the gun at ALL COSTS TO SAVE HIS LIFE?

You want to know why....because READ "KNEW" he was in the wrong legally.

Read knew he was illegally trespassing at that point.

He was pissed, but he also knew what would happen if he hurt Carruth while illegally trespassing after being told to leave.

They both are Jerry Springer Show candidates, and you fake azz commie biatches taking the commie position Carruth didn't have a right to a gun, you people are Jerry Springer Show audience candidates.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)