Originally Posted by chlinstructor

Little Man’s is gonna be a Broke Dick Jail Bird. And Big Black Bubba’s Bitch too. I sure hope it was worth it.

Why does everyone assume being a jail bitch is such an awful lifestyle in the pen?

Flave, has on many occasions talked at great length about the benefits he’s experienced.

Such as:

Nobody would steal his smokes.

He didn’t have his cornbread taken from his meal plate at chow.

He got to wear his roomies t-shirt and underwear when his was in the laundry.

Feeling protected by a big black man gave him a sense of security and love.

Spooning with his man on those cold, wintery nights in the cell made for a good night sleep.

Having someone who really knew him, inside and out, made talking about their future exciting.

See, Flavor always finds the positive and can make lemonade out of a black dick better than anyone.

Gotcha bitch !



Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”