The person ultimately responsible will go unpunished. The mother. He obviously as custody of some sort. She knew when he was supposed to pick the child up, but instead chose to use the child as a weapon against the father. It is also obvious that this isn't the first time this has happened, if the father's words are to be believed. She kidnapped his son, wouldn't tell him where he was (her excuse was, "but I wanted to see him"), and he died for it. Yes, both men should have controlled their anger. Both men should have let the situation between them resolve. Both men were also being used as sock puppets in her manipulations. She wanted to hurt the father by keeping his child from him. She used the EX to help in that plan. She used the child to help in that plan. Now, her child's father is dead because she wanted to play emotional games with the father. I truly hope that child never sees this video and realizes what a piece of trash his mother is. I can only assume that the father truly loved and wanted the child or he wouldn't have been so vehement about seeing him. All I can think is that poor, poor child lost a father who loved him for nothing.

If you want to know why men aren't marrying women and having children, just watch the video. The entire system of law is stacked against them in every way. A woman can kill a man's child in the womb, without his consent and without compensation. A woman can have a child without the man's consent and he is responsible for paying for that child and the mother for the next 26 years of the child's life. A woman gets custody more than 80% of the time, simply because she has a vagina between her legs. No fault divorce has ruined our family structure and our system of parental/custody law needs a major overhaul.

People sleep peaceably in their beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.
George Orwell