Originally Posted by chlinstructor
Evidently ELKTURDBURGLAR Didn’t make it Past the 4th grade, from his own statements. Too much for his tiny little pea brain to understand Justification for Threatening Deadly Force or Using Deadly Force in TX.

If he is in TX, as he claims, he must be in the State Mental Hospital in Big Springs.

Being that Stupid must really hurt.

See how chl, too, ignores the fact the property owner was physically assaulted TWICE, and didn't take the kill shot until "after" the SECOND attack.

He completely ignores the actual "facts" of the case. Now, who do we know who ignores the facts who support destroying your freedom?

They never debate the "actual" facts, never.

Oh, and remember, CHLINSTRUCTOR as a chl course instructor, TOOK CITIZENS MONEY to help brainwash citizens into believing they needed to PAY/BEG the government to have a license in order to use their RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS instead of helping people to understand that is tyranny, and against their God given RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS.

HE ALIGNED HIMSELF WITH THE ENEMY OF THIS COUNTRY, and still takes pride in it to this day by broadcasting his user name, chlinstructor, to continue to acclimate the citizens into believing they have to have a license to utilize their GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS.

No different than what a BROWN SHIRT DID IN GERMANY, aligned themselves with tyranny.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)