Originally Posted by chlinstructor
LOL. You can’t make this schitt up.
ElkTurdBurglar even lies to himself.

You know your a pathetic pathological liar when you got to lie to yourself about all of your “accomplishments” even with the proofs right before ya.

But I suppose that’s all part of the symptoms of all his serious mental illnesses.

You have zero knowledge about my life, which proves your rambling blithering idiot statements are coming from a severely mentally deranged subject.

All gaslighting from you, and your commie sickos here which is the commies favorite tool to use.

That is why that other guy said you're a "BLITHERING IDIOT".

Where's the link to the law you say applies for provocation you pathological liar?

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)