corrupt NAZIs losing again after 8 years of killing and raping innocent civilians. How sad. Putin sure did the world a favor

slava Ukraine

Originally Posted by JohnBurns
Originally Posted by Hastings
Houston and John: Do you think Russia is going to be defeated in the sense that Ukraine regains all its' former territory?

Do you fault Russia for not paying obligations in countries that have seized Russian assets?

You do realize it takes less than 1/2 the rubles to buy an ounce of gold now than it did in March (USA dollar price basically the same as it was)?

I don't know whether UA will push the Orcs out of all or even any of Ukraine.

What UA has done is put up a much better fight than anyone thought possible against what was considered the 2nd best land army on Earth.

I don't fault Russia for the default but that is a part of the sanctions on a country that sent a horde of murdering/raping Orc into their neighboor.

If the Rubble Ruble was really stronk the bondholders would accept it as payment and reap a bonus with a currency trade.