Originally Posted by TheLastLemming76
Originally Posted by plumbum
Originally Posted by Hastings
Before all this got kicked off I believe all Russia wanted was a truly neutral Ukraine buffer between them and NATO. NATO wasn't having that and is an avowed enemy of Russia. Russia has a history of trying to stay isolationist but the Germans (and way back when, Napoleon) weren't for having that rich prize sitting over there independent. In reaction to that the USSR set up eastern Europe as a buffer which lasted a good 40+ years. Now the NWO folks know their plan requires Russia to be brought down or China and India can't be controlled. This is a battle for world domination, and now technology can support it. Russia must be destroyed.

The USSR didn't just "set up Eastern Europe as a buffer"; they invaded them and forcibly occupied them under military and political oppression. Eastern Europe did not want it then, and they don't want it now.

Putin does want to recreate the geopolitics of the USSR (though without Communism), he cannot be blamed for his wants, and everybody understands why he would want a buffer after WWI and WWII; but the wants of the former Soviet republics are just as valid as are his. If they don't want to be under Putin's thumb, why should they be?

If Ukraine doesn't want to be subjugated by Putin, why should they be?

If Russia is so great, and Putin is so great, why does Ukraine want no part of it?

In my life, I have found Occam's Razor to be very effective. The simple explanation is usually right. Ukraine simply wants to be left alone, but Putin simply wants to control it for Russia's benefit.

It's not rocket science, it's just human nature. No conspiracies needed, no cabals, no Q, freemasons, just the same territorial ambitions since time immemorial.

Putin wants to rebuild the USSR's geopolitical influence, but the former members don't want to be part of it.
You’re missing a simple key point.

Well more than one but let’s start with one. It was our government and covert ops that set up a puppet regime in Ukraine friendly to what the US wanted. Money laundry, bio labs, and hostile towards Russia. We opened the door to this whole thing with the corrupt, hostile towards Russia puppet regime that we put in place.

I agree with Hastings and TLL. Organizations like NATO and the UN don't go away once they have been created. They have to identify new enemies and reasons to exist to keep the money flowing. Ukraine is exactly what TLL described, a puppet regime with money laundering and bio labs set up by the US. The beneficiaries of this puppet regime were afraid their operation would be exposed which it has.

Last edited by 45_100; 09/03/22.