Originally Posted by Houston_2
Originally Posted by TheLastLemming76
Russia is making bank hand over fist even at a discount for Russian oil while China buys it for a reduced rate as the US and our puppet NATO allies pay through the nose and borrow money from China to give back to Ukraine. Net result is we drive our number one foreign enemy China closer to Russia and they benefit from cheep oil while we pay more for it.

Our biggest overseas problem is China as we go out of our way to make them stronger. Our biggest real problem is our open border. We’re in a proxy war to confuse and distract the tards from a Russian border while choosing to let ours be overrun by 10’s of millions of illegal aliens. Merica!

It’s a bitch, ain’t it ?
Toot Tooty
The Liberal Socialist Democrat Covtard homo racist.
( who loves my emoji useage)
