Originally Posted by Daveinjax
Originally Posted by JohnBurns
Originally Posted by ribka
Ukraine needlessly losing 1000 or more a day due to casualties and these two idiots celebrate this! Young men dying for a corrupt Ukrainian govt and corrupt us officials making tens of millions of of this scam just like Iraq twice and Afghanistan the past 20 years.

If the Ukraine is willing to fight for their country then good for them. That's how strong nations are born.

Afgahnis and Iraquies were not willing to fight on a scale large enough to save their country even with US boots on the ground. Ukraine is something much different which you obviously can't comprehend.

You would have been as usless as teats on a boar back around 1776 as you hurried to bend you knees.
Afghans and Iraqis certainly were willing to fight for their countries and they won ! We’re gone and they’re free from the evil empire. You would have been a Tory in 1776 John Burns.

Why am I not in the least suprised you are a Taliban Fan Boi and a hater of the USA?

Last edited by JohnBurns; 07/14/22.

John Burns

I have all the sources.
They can't stop the signal.