Originally Posted by Willto
Now, is it more traitorous to spew Russian propaganda than ukrainian propaganda?

If Ukraine was the only country Putin had conjured up some bullchit reason to invade and annex your point might have to be taken more seriously. But Russia/Putin have invaded and taken over Georgia, Crimea, Moldova, Chechnya, and now Ukraine. And apparently people like yourself buy the Putin cover story for why they had to do it every time. What's that old saying? "Fool me once shame on you." " Fool me 12 times in a row and I must be a clueless conspiracy nut at 24 Hour Campfire".

If you believe Putin invaded Ukraine (or any of the places I listed) over concerns about Nazi's or bio-labs or the Illuminati or whatever the fracking conspiracy theory is this week then there is no sugar coating it, you're a moron. Specifically Putin wants Ukraine for it's oil and gas reserves and for their ports on the Black Sea. In general he wants to rebuild the old Soviet empire. Putin, in a public speech, called the fall of the Soviet Union “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century and a tragedy for all Russians”.

And that brings me to another point that needs to be cleared up. I have numerous times been hit with statements like this in this thread: "Will you are still trying to fight the cold war. The Soviet Union is gone". Russia is not the enemy anymore".

HORSECHIT! Let me give you a little reality check.

What was the Soviet Union? Was it a conglomeration of independent like minded countries who all voluntarily banded together to form a larger entity for the benefit of all? LOL! Hell no. The Soviet Union was RUSSIA. It was Russia occupying all the countries that it overran at the end of WW2. They installed puppet governments that ruled by proxy. But always Russia was the principle master of all. And your old buddy Vladimir was a high ranking KGB man in that system who was being groomed in the time prior to the Soviet collapse by some pretty influential people to possibly one day be it's Premier. A missed opportunity he has lamented ever since the collapse robbed him of that chance. Sure Russia calls itself a republic now but only an idiot doesn't recognize that's it really a dictatorship under a former Soviet KGB man. Most dictators throughout history ruled over countries that were supposedly some type of government that sounded better than calling them what they actually were.

If Putin possessed a means by which he could kill every man, woman, and child in the USA without any fear of an equally devastating counterattack he'd kill us all without a minutes hesitation. I call that an enemy. And anyone who carries the piss bucket for him and spreads his propaganda, yeah, I call a traitor.

I don't give an actual chit about Ukraine in particular. But if it can be used as a place to grind to death the army of my enemy then I say great. Maybe if Putin loses more troops and equipment than he can easily replace it will push the next place he plans, oops...I mean HAS to invade because of you know......NAZIS or flying space monkeys that much further down the road. If we are really lucky maybe the place could become such a quagmire that it actually threatens his power to stay in control. And that would be a great day. Because I honestly don't think that the average Russian citizen is a bad person. They tend to like western culture. If free to speak openly (which they are not) I think most of them would say they don't support this invasion. Or any of the others for that matter. It would be nice to have them as friends but that will never happen under Putin.
Again, you're making a lot of assumptions about shot I never said. It's a war that doesn't (our a rather shouldn't) involve us at all. But American politicians are capitalizing on your fear of want you think Putin is planning on maybe thinking about doing in the future. And they've convinced you that it's your patriotic duty to agree with them.

The only concern I have about the whole thing is destroying the money laundering corruptacracy that's transferring my money to a bunch of politicians that I would rather not support.

It's funny that you talk about wearing down the Russian army, (that you declare are your enemies; they've never done anything to me), when it's being done with nato-supplies arms. When Russia wins, and if they decide to attack another country, that country is going to have severely depleted stock piles, because they wasted all their stuff giving it to poorly trained cannon fodder.

But wave your flag, patriot, and cheer on the Biden crime syndicate. They're fighting your phobias for you.