Here we go. The dumb kahunt. wants to use nuclear arms now

Originally Posted by renegade50
Toot Toot!!!
The Geopolitical military expert we all should listen too and pay heed too.

Along with the rest of the Uketard cheerleaders in this Globalist and Crooked azz politician money laundering CYA war.
Along with all the Benjamin's the beautiful people are making off wpn sales in the stock portfolio,s.

Have to be a moron to not see what this is all about

A staged war to push the globalist agenda, make Benjamin's off of, with buckethead central calling the shots in the background. And receiving the power from the world wide economic impact of it and creating even more chi com aligned nations in the process.

Some people need to wake the fuuuk up.
None of these countries GAF about the average Uke.
They just wanna keep the money laundering and wpn profits going on.

U.S. military industrial complex and others nations ones need conflict to make bank after Iraq and Afghanistan petered out.

Called Brush fire wars between super powers to keep schit profitable.
Veitnam was the 1st example of one to make bank from...
Politicians and CEO,s make bank.
Generals Make Carreers then get jobs to make bank after.
And Buckethead central gains long term power from nations aligning with them from it all.

Honk for Joey you stoooopid fuuuuks....