Originally Posted by Willto
Why did the US build 27 weapons of mass destruction bio labs in Ukraine next to the Russian border? Was that to spread democracy to the Azov Neo NAZIs so they count could bomb nd kill more Russian civilians in East Ukraine?

I am cautious of believing any government. But I'd believe Satan before I'd believe anything out of Putin's mouth. Some supposedly independent organizations have looked into the conflict in the east of Ukraine and have said the following. Russia began backing insurrectionists in the region. Even inserting troops in with them to commit acts of violence. When they finally provoked the Ukranian government into an all out response in kind they used it as an excuse to invade. A tactic used many times over the years by various governments. Might that be bullchit? Sure. I make allowances for that. But when I see someone like yourself on here claiming to know the exact truth of everything about the whole mess I just instantly write you off as a quack. Why? Because you have no way to know all the things you say with the absolute certainty that you declare them. How? Because you watched a video of some conspiracy theorist on Youtube? Or read some internet blog that told you exactly what you wanted to hear in exchange for giving them a click. A 10 year old kid can start a fracking youtube channel or their own website.

As for biolabs you know they do a lot of things at such places besides create biological weapons. Not to mention that Ukraine had stockpiles of Soviet biological weapons at the time the Soviet Union fell and willingly turned them over for destruction. Doesn't sound like people aggressively pursuing such weapons. BUT, as always I concede that I could be wrong. But you don't have any more info or insight into the situation than I do. You just arrogantly pretend that you do.

Here is what I do know for an absolute fact. Russia invaded Ukraine not the other way round. There are Russian armies in Ukraine. All the bombs and missiles and shells are landing on Ukrainian soil. The civilians being killed are Ukrainian. If there were people in eastern Ukraine that would rather be Russian then they were free to fracking leave and go there. And last but certainly not least, if you believe that Putin gives two chits about how people of a certain ethnic group are being treated in some other country then you are an imbecile of such epic preportions that I'm shocked your family lets you leave the house without a chaperone.

In these days of extreme disinformation and outright propaganda, a useful tool for discovering the truth is who backs what? I.E. if Hillary Clinton/ Barrak Obama, the deep state is pushing a narrative you had better be on the opposite side of the issue..... otherwise you are simply a "useful idiot" for them and on the side of evil... simple even for the intellectually challenged to figure out!
This is why Gruff started a thread about Covetards also being Uketards... same people display a sheep mentality.
The cold war is over... the Bolsheviks lost, time to get up to speed and pay attention to the Bolsheviks in your neighborhood

Originally Posted by Judman
PS, if you think Trump is “good” you’re way stupider than I thought! Haha

Sorry, trump is a no tax payin pile of shiit.