Originally Posted by ol_mike
Originally Posted by Tyrone
Originally Posted by Bristoe
The Democrats are all worked up about it. Scroll down for the comments.

We should do everything in our power to encourage them to go!
I'd pay his plane fair if I actually though he'd do it.

One mentions going and fifty say they would ""IF"" this that or the other >excuse, although 100% for the OP going,,, LOL. Typical Democrat...

One guy *did* mention to him that an actual combat unit was very different than other jobs in the military.

In any event, a 55 year old man going to a foreign country that he knows nothing about to take up arms is just a creative way to commit suicide.

It's difficult to find any "real" news out of Ukraine. The Russian news isn't saying a lot about it one way or the other and the "news" that Americans get about *any*thing is just a batch of lies.

But from what I can gather, the Russians locate the Ukraine military then saturate the entire area with 21st century artillery. Even the Ukrainian military that has access to western weapons can't use them because the Russian artillery doesn't allow them to get out of their holes long enough to set it up.

I'd guess that being in proximity to a Ukraine military force would not be a very healthy place.