Originally Posted by Rooster7
Originally Posted by Houston_2
Listen at the Howler Monkeys squall and rise to the bait!!

Already got 8 Ignor-ants !!

They just can’t resist it,,,,every time.


You can always tell the weak by not standing behind their convictions when confronted.

Instead, you try to back peddle and pretend your only spewing BS as "bait" to get others riled up.

Maybe you should spend more of your time worrying about the enemy within instead of defending a corrupt country whose "leadership" is making BILLIONS off of our tax dollars in the name of covering up what our enemy within has been doing over there to make they themselves rich beyond belief.

Back peddle all you want now Toot and do try to be careful because with no backbone, you might just fall out through your kgunt and hang yourself.

Backpedaling you say?

Fuggin hilarious.
Get a life, learn how to use Ignore if this upsets you which it obviously has and meanwhile I’ll sweep you over into the trash bin of irrelevance like the rest of the inbred Howler Monkeys,, right where you belong.