Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by JohnBurns
Putin's war is not good and Bidett should not have encourage that debacle.
That said demographics are a thing and geographical location is a thing and energy production is a thing and food production is a thing.
In the coming mess the USA is unique in our advantages to all the rest of the World.
No better place to weather the coming storm.
Russia has its own advantages. Huge territory, Stockpile of nuclear weapons, friendly relations with over half the population of the world, basically no debt, more oil than any other country, more food production than they need, no hostile minority populations in the heart of the country.

We do have a huge stockpile of weapons, and the ability to produce food, but that is about it. Our economy is a house of cards.

I would consider moving to Russia but I'm too old to learn another language. I have enough trouble with spoken English (shot rifles with no hearing protection in my young life).

You are aware of the brain drain migration FROM Russia since the invasion?

You are aware of over 16,000 people having been detained for speaking out against Russia’s invasion?

You are aware that any disparagement of the Russian military and its operations in Ukraine can get you a longer prison time sentence than murder there?

And you would consider moving to Russia but you’re too old?