Comparing Uvalde to Ukraine? Are the children in the Uvalde school system Neo NAZIs. too?


Originally Posted by Houston_2
Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Irregardless of what could have prevented it we need to stop escalating it! We, as in the Obongo/Klinton era of color revolutions, are NOT without blood on our hands. We have no business messing around in Putins backyard.

We need to stop the escalation!

At what point does putin stop invading sovereign nations?. Don’t forget about Georgia and the Crimea before Ukraine. Those 2 previous annexations and the setting up of Russian puppet governments was easily done by putin. The Ukraine folly he’s embarked on, well, not so easy.

Usurping the puppet Govt installed by NATO and the US. How many war has the US and NATO engaged in the past 60 years? Over 20 now aint it?
Originally Posted by JohnBurns
Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Irregardless of what could have prevented it we need to stop escalating it! We, as in the Obongo/Klinton era of color revolutions, are NOT without blood on our hands. We have no business messing around in Putins backyard.

We need to stop the escalation!

Your concern is duly noted.

Ukraine has a right to fight of Hordes of Murding Orcs invading their country.

I like seeing them do it with weapons we purposely made for Orc killing. Those HIMARS were designed and built for killin those Orcs.

Puty Boi will escalate or not but bending the knee just postpones Puty Boi escalation to a better time for him.

Facing down bullies ain't for everyone and I like how Ukraine is fighting so hard for their country.

Going into the classrooms in Uvalde was not for everyone and many on the scene hoped the monster would just quit.

That monster didn't quit and Putin won't quit.