the EU and the US will surrender by end of December. Its a good excuse to end the war they are losing badly and there aren't many Ukrainian soldiers alive to keep fighting. That would make the most sense if we weren't living in a clown world

Or the US can make this last 20 years and spend trillions of dollars like in Iraq and Afghanistan thereby turning the US into Ethiopia. Tis has definitely hastened the new world alignment where the US loses al to of its power and and influence and degrades us to a third world status with open borders

Originally Posted by Bristoe
My guess is, Russia never resumes sending energy to Western Europe. Putin is playing the long game and increasing trade relations with China and the rest of Asia. The West has prover too fickle of a customer.

The global south is now in the process of setting up a series of alliances that will greatly reduce trade with Western Europe and America. In South America Brazil has expressed an interest in being a part of the BRICS coalition and even one NATO country, Turkey, has been making overtures to being included in the BRICS coalition.

In a nutshell, a big part of the world is working to configure themselves in a manner that will take them out from under America's thumb and reliance on the American Dollar.

Putin doesn't need to forcibly reconstruct the old USSR. When BRICS becomes completely assembled, the former Soviet states will look the them in much the same way that Western Europe has looked to America.

,...and it's only going to take a few winters of energy shortages for Western Europe to show up at Russia's front door with its hat in its hand.

If America had leadership that was favorable to the American people, this situation would have never occurred. But at this point, the best that the American people can hope for is leadership that will work to make it self sufficient after the rest of the world turns its back on America.

*That's* the real "great reset",....*that's* the real "new world order".

Basically, the world is as sick of American leadership as conservative Americans are. The world is doing something about it. American's aren't.

The rest of the world isn't under the same constraints that America and Western Europe is. It's going to opt out of being controlled by western influence.

None of this has been an accident.

Last edited by ribka; 09/05/22.