Originally Posted by ribka
Four basic reasons

A buffer against NATO which is proven over and over to be evil. Ukraine given two opportunities to not violate Minsk agreement

Natural resources in E Ukraine

access and control of Black Sea and trading ports

Historical abuse of Russian nationals in E Ukraine

People forget Ukraine, at the direction of NATO, amased huge army on Donbas border beginning of this year after bombing the area for the past 8 years

This ridiculous fantasy of Soviet Russia invading all the way to Ireland is a joke

Ukraine ( NATO) wanted a war a purposefully goaded to Russia into one when the useful idiots distracted by covid and George Floyd

Doing the same with China now via Taiwan

Originally Posted by Teal
Originally Posted by Tyrone
Originally Posted by JohnBurns

My opinion is that Putin will continue this invasion of other countries until he is stopped.
Why would that make sense for him?

Don't you think that would start WWIII? Do you think he wants to start WWIII? What would he gain from that?

Not picking a side - always said my interest was in how unit v unit fighting was going. Purely tactical - nothing strategic but -

IF Putin is fighting the globohomo in Ukraine and doesn't want it on his doorstep to Russia - how does stopping at Ukraine prevent that? What about the globohomo next door to that? If it's just about bio labs - why wouldn't the NWO open labs in the next country over?

I'm not saying he's rolling into France in 6 months (short of nuclear, I don't think he has the capability. Poland would put up a much more stout fight these days) but I don't think the idea he's there to stop western cultural decay from infecting Russia is 100% right because even if he did wipe Ukraine back to 1700 - the decay wasn't specific and contained in Ukraine - it's in every country on his border. Not just there.

So while I can understand some regional, strategic points for Russia regarding culture - I think there's more there than JUST the culture war.

That's why I don't buy the "it's all about trannys and culture" line. There's other, more natural reasons - deep water ports, grain, buffers (sorta buy that one) etc.
