Originally Posted by ribka
Originally Posted by Slavek
Originally Posted by Bristoe
Originally Posted by Slavek
I guess they did not learn anything by being served to Hitler on a silver platter.

As opposed to Russia,....who apparently *did* learn something from the Bolshevik Revolution.

Russia doesn't want another one. Germany doesn't yet realize that they're having one.

Putin is highly dedicated, I give him that. Today there are probably more political prisoners in Russian jails then in USSR under Brezhnev.

Ironically more political prisoners now in the US than Russia

Can you openly post something critical of your government on social media in your backward toilet without repercussions? Is news heavily censored in your toilet bowl? Are certain books firearms and free speech banned in your country?

What disingenuous kahhunt
And to piggyback on that is Putin openly trying to permanently destroy his country and make Russia’s citizens minorities? Is he openly defying the laws of the land flooding his country with 10’s of millions of illegal aliens each year?