Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Jeff_O
Evolution, or something like it, took place over spans of time best described as "geological".

The human mind can't grasp time spans like that. To us, 20 years is a long time. 236 years makes for ancient history. 2012 years is practically the beginning of time.

There's a great demo of the way time passes and our inability to grasp it. A guy, scientist as it happens, is in a Porche. He's ripping down a racetrack that has a timeline of the world on it, in chalk or whatever, at 100 mph. As he does, he's talking, slowly, about the eras he's driving over. Finally, after quite a bit of this, he slams on the brakes and gets out. And there's all of human history at his feet... it's a few inches long if memory serves.

Given TIME in that sense, things can indeed morph and change. And they did.
To anyone who's studied evolution, the objections are silly. It would be like you were a long time student of ancient Roman civilization, and a bunch of folks came along popularizing the idea that history actually only started in the year 1850, and insisted that all that stuff about ancient Rome is fiction designed to confuse people. Such a student wouldn't know where to begin with such people.

If I just scratched out the math right and didn't screw up a decimal, and given the emergence of life 3.8 billion years ago (a billion is a thousand million), and arbitrarily saying that recorded human history is 7000 years...

Then one way to visualize this is that a line that has 1" = 1 year will be over 60,000 miles long. That's how long life has existed. That's more than twice around the earth.

Human history is about 1/10th mile- that's roughly 160 yards.

And THAT is how slime begets humans.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two