As a Christian, I have absolutely no problem believing in "Survival of the Fittest" selection over time. I do not believe that God would have made an ever changing world, then put things in that world that had no chance of survival because they couldn't adapt to those changes. Ie the Darwin Finches and their beak sizes.

What I do not believe is that one species can suddenly become another. Ie. a fish to frog type evolution. The one thing that, in my opinion (since that is really all these type arguments are), is the occurrence of male/female. The evidence in the archeological record of evolution always shows great, significant leaps in morphology when presenting evidence of evolution. ie. much shorter/longer legs, distinct noticeable differences in skull structure, etc. There are never, small gradual steps shown when trying to display real speciation. One explanation is advantageous mutations. This explanation is obviously incorrect simply based on the number of times it would have had to happen to account for the different species on the planet. This is especially true when dealing with the almost 100% infertility rate of mutants and their parent species. The occurrence of a male and female which can produce viable offspring, once again in my opinion, negates any real possibility of true, sudden evolutionary speciation.

People sleep peaceably in their beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.
George Orwell