Originally Posted by wswolf
One benefit of this kerfuffle is that before it began I found it unfathomable, incredible, unbelievable that anyone without a tinfoil hat could be utterly convinced that science is a gigantic conspiracy against religion.
I would like to say, "get over it!" "Take a good look at reality and realize just how amazing it all is compared to a paltry collection of Bronze Age fables."

But it would be useless.

Wow! You should get out more.

No Intelligence Allowed - Documentary

The documentary explains why a lot of scientists wouldn't admit believing in intelligent design. They want to keep their jobs.

It's not science against religion in my way of thinking. It's the religion of secular humanism opposed to other religions. Although, of late, it seems there's been a lot of sympathy towards muslims, admittedly.

Regardless, the funding of sciences in support of the secular humanist's agenda will always be first and foremost. See the documentary.

Ironic to hear so many talk about evidence and facts and what-not, denying the enormous amount of faith required to believe the big bang followed by goo to you by way of the zoo. I mean just the first step of the development of primordial soup out of molten rock, not to mention water, which is somewhat rare, if I recall correctly is nothing short of a miracle. Try it. Mix water and ground up igneous rock and make goo. Then that goo forms bacteria depending on the story, with complex nucleic acids that randomly ordered to devise a simple single-celled organism, called life.

You think lesser of Christians believing in scientific creationism because we go by faith believing in a Creator? I think I'm the one with the lesser faith in actuality. I applaud you for your great faith to base your beliefs on that version of the origin of life.

BTW, not denying the existence of the phenomenon of gravity as a scientific law, but has anyone been able to go beyond just speculation to explain why it exists?
