Copernicus is calling.

Nice dodge. Copernicus deals with the solar system.

Now look up Hubble's discovery from the 1920's. Then check it again in the 1970's and then again in the 1990's. But then that would require you to beleive in what astronomical science displays for any Ph.D astronomer to see for himself and recorded.

Hubble called his discovery quantized red shifts. He said it appeared there is a spere of galaxies about a million light years plus or minus out from the Milky Way. Another million light years plus or minus and another sphere of galaxies, etc, etc. Sorta like a BB inside a pea and the pea inside a marble and the marble inside a pingpong ball and the pingpong ball inside a golf ball and so on and on and on and on.

There are random galaxies between these quantized groupings.

"Only Christ is the fullness of God's revelation."
Everyday Hunter