Originally Posted by rob p
I have a biology (and science) background, and I can prove evolution exists. I can do it easily, and in a way that cannot be disputed. I can talk about Darwin's Finches, Gypsy Moths, Galapagos Tortoises, Fruit Flys, Potato Bugs, Gregor Mendel's Peas..., ..., ... The best, easiest argument I came up with is germs. Yes, germs. They are becoming more virulent and antibiotic resistant every day. That's evolution. By it's very definition, Evolution is the mechanism. Start with a population of organisms. Within a population, there is variation in traits among organisms. Now, the environment has to change. Stress has to be introduced. Some organisms in the population will be better suited to deal with this stress. They will do better. Get more food. Make more babies. Avoid predators... Eventually, over many generations, the favorable traits will be dominant in the population. That's evolution.

You have a strain of bacteria. Say, Staph aureus. It lives on our skin and usually doesn't bother us. Well, it also kills us. Jim Henson, the guy who created the Muppets died of a paper cut. Staph aureus got him. A particularly virulent strain. Hospitals are full of it. There are strains that are Streptomycin resistant. Soon, there will be strains that are Vancomycin resistant and a lot of people are going to die.

Bacteria on you probably number in the millions. They reproduce quickly and have lots of offspring. The perfect formula for evolution. You get sick, take antibiotics and get better. It doesn't kill all the bacteria. Some survive and reproduce. It won't kill their progeny either! Antibiotic resistance will become a trait of that strain. Eventually, unfortunately, a particularly nasty strain will follow this model and we have a killer. Germs evolve faster than we can find their weakness and develop antibiotics to treat them.

Now THIS is a happy thought! There was a pandemic lady on Doomsday Preppers this last episode. My FIL who is a retired medical professional sat there squirming while watching it. He made it clear that nothing scares him more.

I think I'll share your post with him! grin

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Turdlike, by default.