It's a good thing that salvation has nothing to do with the age of the earth...and that there are many millions that realize that.

The mass of evidence from paleontology, genetics, zoology, molecular biology, geology, chemistry, and other fields is undeniable to a reasonable mind...although it's discounted by 'some' as being intentional delusions by God for believing lies.

That's pretty pitiful really.

Man, you are blinded by your world view. The very topics you point to are some of the very ones I use to suport my science. You cannot explain how the billions of fossils were laid down in water born sediment in the amounts we observe in a naturalistic world. The Flood explains them.

Dr. Sanlin was an evolutionist. He has a Ph.D in genetics. He invented the gene splicing gun. He has over seventy bioloical patents. As an evolutionist he taught the graduate students at Cornell University for twenty-five years. Once he started invistigaing mutations he was amazed. (I doubt you know more than he does about genetics.) At the present accumulation rate of mutation, he maintains you can go back only about 6,000 years to achieve no mutations in the human speicies.

Even Dr. Crick who discovered the DNA molecule saw there was no way it could develope through a random process and said the spacemen brought it to the earth! He called it panspermia.

Zoology is absolutely consistant with God's Word. God said each kind would reproduce after its kind. Both in the fossil record and in living examples we see diversity of species; not continuum.

When Darwin wrote his book in 1859 he didn't know about he cell. He thought it was some kind of jellitinous mass. We know now that even one cell is more complex than the largest city in the world. And I'm supose to beleive it created itself?

The Flood explains geology infinitely better than uniformitarianism. How do you explain the Grand Cayon or any other huge land formation based on the slow gradual change of the present is the key to the past?

Tell us how chemistry gets past a six carbon molecule in a naturalistic world.

Your world view has kept you from seeing the facts. The idea that God uses these as deception is only a deception for those who beleive in evolutionism.

"Only Christ is the fullness of God's revelation."
Everyday Hunter