Elements heavier than hydrogen were formed in the centers of giant stars. Giant stars eventually explode (supernova). The heavy elements are spread by the explosion.

This is based on the idea that stars evolved from the substances from the big bang. You can't have the elements if you can't explain where the stars came from. Cosmic gases would NOT condense based on the known scientific laws of gas mechanics. One astronomer made me laugh when he said the first star was formed a near by star exploded and cause the gas to colapse on itself. Wait a minute! From where did that star come?

Biblical literalism doesn't rely on assumptions?

Not "assumptionS". Rather accepting the ONE scientific concept of cause and effect. The Cause is greater than the effect in the creation model. The effect is greater than the cause, contrary to science, in the evolutionary world view.

Most bones do. Fossilization is a rare event.

In both the creation and evolution models fossils are rare today. In evolution speculation is necessary to invent a process for their presence. The Flood model predicts them; and in huge quantities.

A single flood produces one layer of sediment, coarse material on the bottom and finer material on top. This can be found in any geology text, even some written 150 years ago. If Noah's flood had happened we would expect to see a massive sediment layer like this on top of a dense jumble of fossils of all types. Trilobites, Anomalocardids, archaeopteryx, cynodictis, arsinoitherium, dinosaurs, humans, giraffes, rabbits and Tasmanian devils all in the same layer. Nothing like this is found in the geological record.

A single flood that covers the intire world and lasts for thirteen months will be acted on by the same tidal effects we see in the world today. Based on the this knowledge of a world wide flood there would be multiple layers; just as we observe in the Grand Canyon and in almost any road cut.

The fossil record now displays exactly what you are asking of it. That's why some paleontolgist are switching from slow gradual change to believing either multipul huge local floods or the Flood of God's Word.

Uniformitarianism is not an explanation it's a principle (not an assumption because there is evidence) that physical processes act in the same manner now as they did in the past. Huge fossil graveyards have been explained by huge releases of poison gas or ash from volcanoes killing lots of animals at once before they were buried (dinosaurs in Montana and mammals in Kansas

How in the world do you know about gas from a volcano thousands or millions of years ago? This is a philosophical escape theory to get away from the prediction of the Genesis Flood.

[quoteDuring and after the late 19th century bison extermination people made a living collecting bones to be ground up for fertilizer.
Passenger pigieons were hunted mostly for sale in city markets. After cooking a bird and gnawing the bones what happens to them. they go to a landfill or get dumped in the ocean. Not good conditions for fossilization even if fossilization could occur in less than 200 years. [/quote]

You got me! blush

"Only Christ is the fullness of God's revelation."
Everyday Hunter