Originally Posted by billhilly
In the end, there's really not much to worry about. The "Intelligent design" deal is not getting a whole lot of traction in public schools (Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District) and it allows for old earth, evolution, and big bang. There's no way public school students are going to have to worry about being taught young earth creationism (Edwards v. Aguillard). For all practical purposes, YEC has been reduced to an interesting topic to discuss on the internet.

And this probably is as much because of the theistic element as it is a lack of science. They aren't going to come right out and say so, but the government isn't going to allow it to be taught in public schools, because of the freedom of religion aspects of the constitution, no matter how solid the science is or isn't.

The other scientific views are completely secular, so no political problems with them.