Ringman, no offense and I wouldn't even say this if you hadn't demonstrated a level-headed willingness to debate this contentious and I presume deeply meaningful topic buuuut...

Not only do I not believe in a God that communicates obtusely, I don't believe in God period. Not yours or anyone else's. I hope you understand that as a citizen of a nation with CODIFIED government neutrality on this matter, which is to say a government that recognizes our right to believe or not believe as we see fit, I am constitutionally bound to defend this freedom and keep it from poisoning public institutions. As well as personally inclined to do so due to my unbeliever status.

Our courts, our schools, our police and city governments... are SECULAR. They must remain so. As a fellow Patriot I think on some level you get this.

I applaud you for hangin' in on this debate.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two