Originally Posted by Penguin
We gonna solve this one again?

I've long thought that the theory of evolution is so controversial not because of what it says about the origins of man as what it says about the nature of a god who operates in such a manner. The theory of evolution is sweeping, majestic, operating on a time scale that could be called cosmic.

If a god is involved in this process, and I think there is one, then what this process reveals about god contradicts every known religion in the world... save Buddhism which in fact almost relies on evolution if you study it enough. The god of evolution does not inject himself into petty political arguments. He isn't jealous or prone to temper tantrums. He would find himself immune to homicidal rages attributed to him in religious texts. And he wouldn't give a good damn whether you believed in him or what you insist his proper name is. If he speaks at all it is in a whisper.

This I think is what makes people so mad. They want a god who thinks and acts like them. We don't like the way the real world god seems to operate. :p


I thought about writing something, but you just pretty much said whatever I was gonna say, only better. I'm with you on this one.