Not to offend any "non believers" but I would agree with many on here who see the folly of "evolution" and the "Big Bang" theories as the only "credible" explanations of life and the universe. To some, "random chance" resulted in all the complexities and organization of the universe, including everthing from DNA to the solar systems.
To me it's akin to believing a tornadoe blows through a junk yard and resuls in an Apple computer. Well, sure it wouldn't happen the first time, but given enough time, "certainly" it could be accomplished....not.
I think ART and SCIENCE themselves give evidence of a Creative and Onmiscient God.
Man's ability to create art comes from the fact that a creative God has put his immage in this particular creation. We create because we have been made by a creator who has given us this innate desire and capability.
SCIENCE and "the quest for knowledge" is simply man manifesting the characteristics of a God who has the ability "to know" and posesses all knowledge. Mans' pursuit of scientific knowledge, rather than, "explaining away" God, actually is evidence of Him put with in every mans soul.
I see absolutely no contradiction in "science" and Christianity. But as far as certain scientific theories go, they are only as valid as the "assumptions" they are based on. It is here where there is certainly plenty of room for debate.